Welcome to Good Grief's 2025 5K Run & Walk, Together We Remember

Team Purple Shirts

Good Grief's 2025 5K Run & Walk is Sunday, June 1st, at Drew University! We are so excited to gather for this important date on the Good Grief calendar. Join in with your family, friends, and community as we walk and run to raise funds and awareness for everyone who is grieving. The day provides an opportunity for you to walk or run in memory of a person who has died.

#IWalk4  #IRun4

Good Grief's 5K Run & Walk creates community, allows us to support one another, and provides many opportunities to remember and celebrate. As always, we will raise awareness and critical funds for grieving families who rely on Good Grief’s programs for support. Good Grief's mission is to build resilience in children, strengthen families, and empower communities to grow from loss and adversity. All of our programs are 100% privately funded, and our peer support programming is free of charge to all participants for as long as they need our services. 

Our 5K Run & Walk is a fun, family-friendly event for all ages and abilities!

How Do I Get Involved?

NNK - Good Grief 5k 2019 - Team Photos-0017v2.jpgThere are so many different ways to get involved at our 5K Run & Walk. Join us in person or virtually... walk, run, volunteer! Sponsor the event. Start a team, join a team. Fundraise. Remember. Celebrate. You can...

Register as an Individual or start a Team

Join a Team

Donate to a team, an individual, or the event

Become an Event Sponsor

Join us as a Volunteer

Event Timeline

Our 2025 event time line will be updated as we get closer to the day! This year we will be at Drew University enjoying the day on the beautiful property! The festival space is the perfect place to meet family, friends, and your team before and after your run or walk! Bring camp chairs, blankets, coolers, and make a full morning of it.

Please register online by May 28th to ensure you secure your space for the 5K and to receive your event day t-shirt when you arrive on Sunday. We will only be accepting a limited number of onsite registrations.

Below is the timeline for our event. Please note that this is subject to change.

8:30 AM Check In Opens

9:30 AM Welcome Ceremony

10:00 AM 5K Run & 2 Mile Walk Begin

Opening Ceremony v2.jpg

11:00 AM 5K Award Pick Up Tent Opens

11:30 AM Kid Dashes Begin

12:00 PM 5K Award Pick Up Tent Closes

12:30 PM Refreshment and Activity Tents Close

5K Run Course

The 3.1 mile course takes you through the campus of Drew University. The course is along paved roads all within the campus. Course marshals will guide you and cheer you on! All 5K timing will feature B-Tag electronic chips affixed to your assigned bib number. Please check back for the course map a few weeks prior to the event.

Walk Course

This course also takes advantage of the scenic Drew University and stays entirely on paved walking areas all within the campus. The course is fun and safe for the entire family, with activity and water stations along the way.

Kid Dashes

Kids Dashv1.jpgKids age 11 and under are welcome to register for and take part in our Kid Dashes - a wonderful 5K Run & Walk tradition! Our youngest participants will dash up to 100 meters with their peers in this friendly competition. The younger the kiddo, the shorter the dash.

How Do I Register?

Register online through our 5K Run & Walk Website. Please note that we are only accepting a small number of day of registrations. We encourage everyone to register online by midnight on Wednesday, May 28th. 

You can register to run, walk, dash, or volunteer as an individual by clicking HERE

If you want to start a team, click HERE

To join an existing team, click HERE

Registration Fees

Registration fees are as follows:

5K Run:  $30.00

5K Run (Virtual):  $25.00

2 Mile Walk:  $25.00

Kid Dash: $5.00

Day of registrations: +$5.00

For our Good Grief families, if the registration fee is a barrier for you for the walk and kids dash, please speak to your Nights of Support facilitator who will give you a code to waive the fee. 


Does the 5K Run & Walk Allow For Teams?

Team Perriwinkle.jpgYes! In fact, we encourage you to Start or Join a team in memory of your special person! The more the merrier when it comes to team size. Ready to build your super team? Gather your friends, family, fellow Good Griefers and pod squad and build the ultimate 5K Run & Walk team!

I Am Registered. Now What?

Check your email! You will receive an email confirming your registration and giving you instructions on how to access and customize your Participant Center and Personal Page. Your Participant Center allows you to quickly and easily customize your peer-to-peer fundraising page, send emails to your network, and connect to your social media platforms.

Can I Participate In Memory of Someone?

We have so many ways to celebrate your person who died, both before and during the 5K Run & Walk! We encourage you to:

Submit a photo and name to our Memorial Wall by emailing a photo and the name of the person you are Running or Walking for to events@good-grief.org. Our Memorial Wall will grow online in the weeks leading up to event day, and it will be displayed during the 5K Run & Walk under the activities tent. We will also have other special activities to do that will allow everyone the opportunity to remember, reflect, and celebrate their person.Memory Wall v2.jpg

Decorate a special Run Memory Bib or Walk Memory Bib to wear on race day. Who do you run or walk for? Memory Bibs will also be available on June 4th in the activities tent.

Join us for our Welcome Ceremony on June 1st at 9:30 AM. You'll have a chance to hear from some very brave Good Grief families who will share their stories and experiences with you. This is a meaningful moment you won't want to miss.

Create custom team t-shirts in memory of your person. Or make a team sign! Or design team masks! There are so many special ways to remember and celebrate your person.

Finally, share your participation and support on social media using the hashtags #IRun4 or #IWalk4.

Where is the Event? 

Our annual event is taking place at Drew University. GPS Address: 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, New Jersey 07940.

Where Do I Park?

Parking is located on site in Lots K and L. There will be overflow parking as well in Lots F,D,I,A, and B. Please click here for the campus map. Please note there is no vehicle traffic permitted within our festival space! If you need to make special arrangements or accommodations, please contact Good Grief ASAP!

Please note, access to on-site parking may be restricted from 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM while the 5k Run and 2 Mile walk take place. We recommend you arrive prior to 9:15 AM and join us for the welcome ceremony.

Is There a Festival Area?

Our festival area features wide open spaces, with lots of green areas for you to gather with family, friends, and your team. The area includes check in, our Welcome Ceremony, a DJ, porta-potties, sanitation stations, refreshments, activities, and our Memorial Wall. It is easily accessed from the parking lot, and the 5K and 2 Mile walk start and finish lines.

Our refreshment tent features snacks including a limited selection of gluten free snacks.

Please note - Good Grief is not responsible for items left unattended while you are on the festival grounds.

Do I Have to Fundraise?

Our community needs Good Grief's services more than ever. We are experiencing our 16th consecutive year of growth. Your fundraiasing will help us meet the demand of the community and enable us to continue providing programming and support to the individuals, schools, and communities we serve. 

The 5K Run & Walk is a peer-to-peer fundraising event, and we encourage each individual participant to commit to raising at least $200. The overall goal for this year's event is to raise $180,000 to help support our mission. Good Grief builds resilience in children, strengthens families, and empowers communities to grow from adversity and loss.

How Do I Fundraise?

Your Participant Center has all of the tools you need to make your fundraising efforts quick, easy, and fun. Customize your participant page with a special photo and tell your story. Then engage your network. We have all of the tools and templates you need to get started. The keys to fundraising success are:

Ask - Email, social media, calls, texts - it doesn’t matter how you ask, it just matters that you do!

Get Social - Connect on social media to fulfill your fundraising goals. Use the hashtag #IRun4 or #IWalk4. Instagram: @goodgriefnj Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodgriefnj/

Always include a link back to your participant center.

Tell Your Story - Share why you fundraise for Good Grief and why you are involved with the 5K Run & Walk.

Set and Share Goals for yourself along the way. Example: When I reach 50% of my fundraising goal, I’ll dye my hair blue, shave my beard, wear all pink for a day, etc.

Follow Up - Send reminders, and don’t be afraid to ask again.

Thank Everyone, Often - Find a reason to say thank you to your network, and always send a thank you when someone makes a gift, and then again at the end of the event.

Do I Get an Event T-Shirt?

Yes! All participants who register online will get an event t-shirt! Runners, walkers, dashers, volunteers - t-shirts for everyone! We will do our best to have t-shirts available for day of registrations.

Ways to Get Involved

Volunteers v2.jpgRegister

Start or Join a Team



Sponsor 5K Run & Walk


Spread the word

Share on social media #IRun4 or #IWalk4

Smile! You May Be on Camera..

Our 2025 5K Run & Walk will feature on-site photographers capturing images of our event. By attending our 2025 event, you are consenting to your image being used in Good Grief marketing materials, including, but not limited to, social media platforms, websites, press releases, and other printed or digital materials. 

Are Donations to Good Grief's 5K Run & Walk Tax Deductible?

Yes. Good Grief, Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)3 organization, Federal Tax ID #20-0514996, and as such all gifts made to Good Grief are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.

Where Does the Money We Raise Go?

Good Grief is 100% privately funded and our programs are free to all of our families. All funds collected from race registration, fundraising efforts and sponsorships go directly to support the children and families we serve.

Can I Bring Strollers/Scooter/Trikes/Wagons?

Wagon Baby v2.jpgYes. For the 5K Run, only jogging strollers are welcome.

For the 2 Mile Walk, you are welcome to walk with “extra wheels”, especially if you bring little ones!

We welcome para-athletes for both events. If you are a para-athlete and require specific accommodations for the start line please contact tears@practicehard.com.

If you have extra wheels, no matter the type, please start a good distance from those around you and walk across the finish line. This protects the ankles and toes of the runners or walkers around you.

Will There Be Bag Storage On Site?

No. Please only bring what you need for the 5K Run and 2 Mile Walk. If you choose to bring items for picnicing in the festival area, please note that Good Grief is not responsible for unattended items.

Are Dogs Allowed?

For the health and safety of our four-legged friends, dogs are NOT allowed at this event.

What's the Rain Plan?

The 5K Run & Walk takes place rain or shine. Think positive…Think dry! But follow the next few steps and be prepared, just in case...

Check the weather forecast and dress accordingly!

In the case of lightning, a tornado, or other unsafe conditions, we will delay the 5K and Walk start time, and award ceremony. An announcement will be made, and participants will be directed to a safe location until the storms pass.

In the event of a pre-event delay (before 7:30 AM), we will send an email to all registered participants and post updates on the 5K event website and social media platforms.

If I Can’t Make It, Will You Refund My Registration Fee? 

If your plans change, or you are unwell, we will convert you to a virtual participant. You can run your 5K when you are feeling better. Registration for this event is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Who is the Race Management/Timing Company?

Proudly managed by Sports A/R. For event info call 908-245-3000 or email tears@practicehard.com. Timing & Scoring is provided by Best Racing Systems and results will be found at www.bestrace.com. Mobile results will be available immediately on event day.

I Have a Question Not Answered Here!

If you have additional questions, just ask Good Grief!!  Thank you!!